Senin, 01 Juli 2013


I post at the first day of July. So it's been almost 2 months since my last post. Whoaaa, I'm sorry but I'm back today. Well, let me tell you a bit. I am indeed (that-usual-excuse-everyone-used) busy. I'm at the end of my second semester so there are bunch of assignments. But this thing doesn't really distract me for blogging. I need a break for this world so I did. And now I'm back.
Beside those assignments, I actually have a new hobby: tv series marathon. I did this since I watched Sherlock bout 3 months ago (can't bear myself cos all those Sherlockians keep flooding my dash with that stuff). Now I just finished Doctor Who Marathon in Season 4. There are still 3 seasons I need to catch up. All these series are so damn brilliant, thrilling, amazing, etc. I'm so damn in love with them. With the brilliant storyline and great actors, this show is must a watch. 
AND NOW, I'm (obsessed) deeply in love with an actor who played the modern Sherlock Holmes in BBC Sherlock. Yep, the brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch. I love him for his brilliant acting. Like, God, he can play rule given to him. I actually have known him since year ago. Cos people on tumblr are so buzzing about him. At first, I was like 'Who the hell is this man? Weird face and name' But then I watched Sherlock and realise why those people are crazy about him. Cause he is indeed brilliant. He could portray the legend detective Holmes brilliantly. No one can play Sherlock Holmes better that Benedict. I could tell much more about him an the show but this post is not about it so just let's go to house.
Here I bring you a short movie of him. He played double here, as Joe and Charlie (showed how great talent he has and he got a range for every characters he played). Joe and Charlie are totally different. Joe is a young Dad who is diagnosed brain cancer while Charlie, he got a messy life. So after knowing that he got a cancer, Joe switched to Charlie, made them get a new life round. It just takes approximately 11 minutes to watch this short movie. It's probably just a short, the story is just simple and there is still flaws in some aspects. But still, this is the first short movie that deeply touched my heart, making me cry. and adoring Benedict Cumberbatch's acting at the same time. If you do love Benedict or sort of this movie, go watch it! It's highly recommended. 

2 komentar:

  1. I like the way you deliver your thought. I enjoy reading it. :) good job friend,..

  2. makasih, Ujik. Aku juga suka blog-mu, komunikatif. Btw, info" emang kamu fokusin gitu ya?
